January 19, 2012

Kitchen Chair Makeover

After days of stripping and sanding the desk I'm working on I needed a little break. So yesterday I thought doing some painting would be a nice change of scenery.

I had been looking for some chairs for my kitchen table for almost a year and finally last week I found these at my Savers store.

They were a bit wobbly and didn't have the exact look I was going for, but after a year of sitting on and looking at folding chairs I was willing to give them a shot. I even had a coupon :)

I only needed 2 because we have 2 benches for the other sides of the table. It's a long story, but the table and chair situation has been a work in progress....hopefully I'll get it all finished soon and then you can hear how it has all come together :)

So anyways, I started by removing the seat cushion and taking off the 2 old layers of fabric.

I'm not sure what the underneath flowered fabric was. It seemed like it maybe had once been someone's house coat and it was GREASY. ewww, ewww, ewww, I washed my hands really well after that :(

I used a painters drop cloth to recover the cushion. It was my first time doing a project with one, I know I'm a little behind on that trend.....as usual ;) The color is a little too white for me, but I'm on a tight budget right now so it will have to do. Putting a colorful pillow on the chair helps though :)

I painted the chair with 2 coats of Annie Sloan chalk paint in Old White. Then I distressed all of the edges with fine sand paper. As I distressed I got really happy, it was looking awesome! I used some tinted Ralph Lauren faux technique glaze over the paint to darken and age it a bit.

I just took a scrap piece of an old t-shirt, dabbed it in the glaze, then wiped it on the chair. Nothing to it. I'll try to remember to takes pictures of the process next time!

When I have some extra cash I am going to run to Home Depot for some wood glue and polycrylic to fix the wobbly-ness and protect the finish. But for now this will just have to do! :)


  1. Oooh, that turned out so gorgeous. I like the white (though we dont' have any white at our house because of cats and dogs and messy people) and the chalk paint is so pretty. Awesome job.

  2. so.... being that you are on a tight budget, I plan on coming home sometime and writing you a check beforehand,then asking you to make a few little throw pillows like the green one for my bed. Congratulations, you are our new interior designer :)

  3. Heidi, your chairs look awesome!! I am dying to try AS paint. I love your little green pillow too - so pretty!!

  4. They look great! I made homemade chalk paint for a couple projects but I'd love to try the real thing! I'm your newest follower!

  5. I love how it turned out! It looks so bright & fresh now! I also wanted to let you know that I'm hosting my first giveaway, I'd love you to stop by my blog & enter to win a free My Memories digital scrapbooking software!

  6. Hey Heidi, I was given my first blog award today and I love your blog so much that I'm passing it on to you!

    Check it out here & pass it on: http://cathhasablog.blogspot.com/2012/01/my-very-first-blog-award.html

    Big Hug, Cath from 'Home is Where my Heart is'

  7. hi heidi! You did a Fabulous Job on the Chairs they look great!! All that hard work really paid off. I do love Annie Sloans Chalk paint i just can't seem to get enough of that Aubusson Blue! Anxious to see your next adventure!!

  8. I think I want to paint some chairs white! you've inspired me!!

  9. Hi Heidi,
    Love the look. The distressing is really nice. Looking forward to seeing the chairs and bench reveal :)
    ~ Dana
    Cooking at Cafe D

  10. Love what you've done with the chair. You inspire me to maybe think I can do this myself. I am a new follower visiting from The Shady Porch. Vicky from Mess For Less

  11. That looks great! That little pillow gives that much needed touch of color too ... and that greasy fabric TMI gave me the shivers!

    We missed you last night, but are planning another get-together for March ...

